June 10, 2007

Kitchen to beauty....

Reading health magazines helps me inprove my health and beauty too... Here some of tips how to get beautiful from foods.

Bouncy Hair - Lemon Egg Shampoo
Ingredients:1 egg~1 tablespoon lemon juice~3 tablespoon unscented shampoo~a few drops of your favourite scented oil or essential oils
Methods: combine the egg, juice and shampoo in a bowl and mix well. Add the fragrance oil one drop at a time until you're satisfied with the intensity of the aroma. 3 drops will usually sp the trick, more than 5 is too much.
? Work: Lemon juice is highly acidic and shrinks and hardens cuticle cells of the hair, causing them to align and reflect light. egg acts as a conditioner and keeps hair from looking dry.

That's just one part of the recipe ... If you would love to have more on face, skin and even rosy cheeks, just ask. I love to post more secret!

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